Priority Pledge

Student Leadership Team 2016

First and foremost, we will create a safe environment, echoing the charism of our Founders, Saint Marry MacKillop and Blessed Edmund Rice.

We will celebrate the achievements of our community and the legacy that each of us leave.

We will embrace our uniqueness as well as our diversity.

We will begin all challenges with an open mind towards a unified plan that creates a flourishing community.

We will maintain the highest level of equality, opportunity, and encouragement for all.

We will care about each other, making certain that even the smallest voices are heard.

We will love our friendships and sense of family within our community.

We will stand for integrity.

We will become a part of the larger story our community, serving those in need.

Our personal motto for 2016 is:

As one, we leave our mark.

The 2016 Leadership Team Emblem. 

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